Developing tidal farms will bring huge local benefits, says a new socio-economic study from the NEMMO project.
The NEMMO project team recently conducted a socio-economic assessment to identify the possible socio-economic impacts that may arise during the NEMMO project’s life cycle.
Key survey results are presented along with an analysis of two scenarios focusing on the potential development sites, i.e., Scotland (Fall of Warness tidal site) and Wales (Morlais tidal site), where local economies could benefit from the tidal project.
The results of the analysis have revealed the responsibility and commitment of the NEMMO project to the local community, not only in complying with the current legislation, but also in striving for continuous improvement through the establishment of initiatives that promote working and living standards.
This study helps the NEMMO project understand socio-economic impacts and longer-term opportunities for the local economy related to the know-how generated in the tidal energy sector.
Learn more about the findings here
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