D1.3 Simulation results
This report (Deliverable 1.3) summarizes our efforts to validate the experimental work of SSPA against Technion’s computations. These tasks are identified in the Grant Agreement as Tasks 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3. This work package uses a widely used open-source tool Qblade/Xfoil.
D1.4 Loads and stresses cycles novel definition for test rigs
This report (Deliverable 1.4) summarizes our effort towards the Magallanes tidal turbine performance assessment against load and stress cycles. These tasks are identified in the Grant Agreement as Task 1.4. This work package uses a widely used open-source tool Qblade.

D2.2 Active Flow Control strategies and novel tests-rigs for tidal turbines composite blades
This document reports the work done during the task 2.2 of the work package 2 of the NEMMO project. The work includes a large test programme at SSPA, including 3 sets of blades, which includes carbon fibre blades from Canoe and bronze blades from SSPA for blade geometry 1 and 2. It also includes testing of constant cross-sectional profiles at 0.5R and 0.8R on the original blades. Two types of flow control were tested but reported in T2.3. Furthermore, Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV) was used to measure the flow field at 3 planes upstream and downstream of the blades. Finally, surface roughness modelling is described. CFD and LES modelling are mainly described in WP1.

D2.4 Novel testing procedures for tidal composite blades
This document reports the work done during task 2.4 of the work package 2 of the NEMMO project. The work includes establishing a test procedure and combining natural and laboratory ageing protocols with characterization techniques to assess the degradation of the NEMMO composite blade material. The subsequent phases focused on studying biofouling behaviour in dynamic conditions, developing techniques for cavitation artificial ageing, and creating a real-size blade fatigue test. In the first phase, an artificial ageing procedure was established based on literature data, coupled with a material characterization process for the project’s reference material.

D3.4 Public report on NEMMO biomimetic and multi-material bulk properties testing results
This report (Deliverable 3.4) summarizes our effort in Work Package 3 towards the assessment of the novel composite material solutions to enhance the resistance of marine tidal turbine blade.
The Work Package targets three parallel approaches adopted to enhance blade material performance. Each refers to a separate Task and is addressed in turn in the report.

D5.4 Ageing, fouling and wear behavioural modelling
This report (Deliverable 5.4) summarizes our effort in Work Package 5 towards the assessment of the anti-fouling material solutions under realistic conditions for their fouling and ageing performance. Four coatings and a biomimetic surface texture were subjected to dynamic testing. This deliverable focussed on the development of a biofouling behavioural model which would capture the dynamic growth of biofouling organism as observed on the different material solutions.
D6.2 Life Cycle Assessment for 34MW and 100MW scenarios
This report (Deliverable 6.2) contains the results obtained from the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of the tidal turbine blades developed in the NEMMO project, as well as the LCA of two tidal energy farms where the turbines use the project blades.

D6.4 Socio-economic assessments (SEA) for the two-different scenario basis of the NEMMO project
This report (Deliverable 6.4) contains the results obtained from the Socio-economic Assessments (SEA) of the tidal turbine blades developed in the NEMMO project, as well as the scenarios of two tidal energy farms where the turbines use the project blades in Scotland and Wales.
D7.1 Material for Visual Identity
The purpose of a visual identity for the project is to position and promote the NEMMO brand among internal and external stakeholders. The foundation of this brand development is a strong, coherent visual identity.
D7.2 Project Website
The website acts as the key online platform and repository for the project. The website is the main source of news on the project, providing an overview of the project’s objectives, activities and partners, and hosting the public deliverables and reports generated.

D7.3 Communication and Dissemination Report
The report summarized the communication and dissemination activities throughout the project implementation.

D7.5 Final Event
The NEMMO project team held its final project event on 5 September 2023 as part of the side event programme at the European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (ETWEC) to present the latest results from the project to the tidal energy community. This report summarized the results of the event.