6 November 2023
Novel test rigs and testing procedures to enhance tidal composite blade performance
6 November 2023
Novel test rigs and testing procedures to enhance tidal composite blade performance
To enhance tidal turbine blade performance using composite materials for tidal energy generation, the NEMMO project team designed a novel testing and characterization protocol to evaluate blade material degradation caused by the exposition to the sea water environment.

5 October 2023
Brand new NEMMO blades are ready to be deployed

30 September 2023
DCU team deploys a test platform to carry out dynamic antifouling tests in Dublin Bay

9 September 2022
NEMMO partner Magallanes Renovables promotes tidal energy at Sustainable Places 2022 in Nice
9 September 2022
NEMMO partner Magallanes Renovables promotes tidal energy at Sustainable Places 2022 in Nice
NEMMO project partner Magallanes Renovables presented “Tidal energy – ready to take-off” on 9 Sept 2022 within the ‘Renewable Energy Technologies’ workshop at the upcoming Sustainable Places 2022 event.
6 April 2022
Partners visit INPRE’s facility to see blade manufacturing process
Work is well underway on developing the next generation of tidal turbine blade, with NEMMO partners reporting the following achievements during the project update meeting in Spain on 6 April 2022. Partners also visted INPRE’s facility to see blade manufacturing process.

8 December 2021
NEMMO side event at OEE2021: On the Cutting Edge of Tidal Blade Design and Materials
8 December 2021
NEMMO side event at OEE2021: On the Cutting Edge of Tidal Blade Design and Materials
The NEMMO project had already made great progress in testing and producing tailored composites, coatings and appendages for a novel tidal blade. NEMMO project team hosted a webinar highlighting the latest findings on materials and modelling, as well as the results we have achieved. The event was being held as an official side event at the Ocean Energy Europe 2021 annual conference (OEE2021).
8 September 2021
NEMMO workshop on innovative materials for ocean energy
The NEMMO project team has joined forces with the European Technology and Innovation Platform for Ocean Energy (ETIP Ocean) to host a workshop focussing on innovative materials. The event is being held as an official side event at the European Wave & Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC 2021).