Joint workshop with ETIP Ocean at EWTEC 2021 side event: Innovative materials for ocean energy
The NEMMO project team has joined forces with the European Technology and Innovation Platform for Ocean Energy (ETIP Ocean) to host a workshop focussing on innovative materials used in ocean energy devices. The event was held as an official side event at the European Wave & Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC 2021) on the 8th September 2021.
The workshop included an in-depth discussion on the challenges, opportunities and future developments of materials used in ocean energy devices. It highlighted results from the latest research on materials.
Components and systems used in ocean energy devices need to be resistant to corrosion and the heavy loads they are subject to. At the same time, higher level of circularity should be considered in the development of new materials. Significant experience has been accumulated by other offshore industries which use many materials and coatings in the marine environment. Understanding the potential benefits of these new materials in ocean energy devices whilst ensuring structural integrity and durability is required.
The NEMMO project partners presented the latest results of their research activities in terms of materials and coatings. This included the formulation of novel materials for blades, mainly nano-reinforced composites, antifouling coatings and antifouling biomimetic surfaces.
Check out the recording of the event: