NEMMO project holds final project event at EWTEC in Bilbao
The NEMMO project team held its final project event on 5 September 2023 as part of the side event programme at the European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (ETWEC) to present the latest results from the project to the tidal energy community.
This side event highlighted key findings from the NEMMO project, especially on materials, modelling and testing, and its socio-economic impact assessment of potential tidal farms in the UK.
This final event covered the following topics:
- Novel testing procedures for tidal composite blades
- Increase of blade strength by means of adding carbon nanoparticles included in composite formulation
- Design and testing of novel antifouling strategies for turbine blades
- Accelerated ageing test to reproduce the degradation of composite material in sea water
- Environmental and socio-economic assessment of a 34 MW tidal energy farm based on the NEMMO project
- Mechanical testing of large-scale prototype and demo installation
Download the presentation slides here.
Want to learn more about the findings? You can find the full reports here.